Top 10 Ruby On Rails Interview Questions to Ask When Hiring A Ruby On Rails Developer

 Rails is a web development technology that provides a framework structure for all of the code. By automating repetitive operations, the Rails framework aids them in the development of websites and applications.

The Ruby on Rails term comes from Rails being developed in the Ruby programming language (ROR). Every business has an internet presence to increase sales and reach out to new clients in today's environment.

Top ROR Developer Interview Questions

What Is Object-Oriented Programming and How Does It Work? What are some of the features?

Because the framework is written in Ruby and strongly relies on object-oriented programming, candidates should be fluent in the language (OOP).

Every ROR web developer should be familiar with class hierarchies, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. You can request a sample code for a class or any OOP idea, or simply a verbal response, if necessary.

For a ROR developer, this is the most basic interview question. If you see them stumbling around here, the interview is almost over.

What is the most recent version of Rails and Ruby? How does it differ from the previous one?

Although the quiz is hypothetical, it assesses the candidate's overall understanding of Ruby and the Rails framework. This information may or may not be directly applicable to the project.

However, the candidate should be aware of how other developers are enhancing the language to keep current and incorporate all of the latest technologies into your project. Version is the most recent stable release as of May 2020.

Create a Rack program.

Rack is a widely used interface for Ruby programmers to create applications. Every programmer you recruit should be able to write code as well as understand the principles.

In the limited time allotted for an interview, asking a candidate to demonstrate a simple Rack application is a quick way to assess their coding abilities.

You can also ask theoretical questions on the Rack interface, the Middleware stack, or anything else related.

What are RubyGem's structure and purpose?

RubyGems is a Ruby package manager that provides a standard format for delivering programs and libraries in the form of a self-contained template known as a "gem."

Regardless of the application for which you wish to engage a developer, they will almost certainly use many gems during the project. The candidate's understanding of RubyGems' core structure will offer you the assurance that they know where to go for assistance.

Explanation of a code snippet's algorithm or syntax.

This question is linked to the previous one because they both assess a developer's ability to comprehend the code of others. The RubyGems repository provides code for a variety of apps created by programmers all around the world, some of which may be beneficial in your work.

To use code that has already been created by someone else — and thus save time – the developer must be familiar with code snippets.

Because different versions of Ruby may have minor differences in syntax and vocabulary, this skill is useful. A developer should be able to take an idea from one code and adapt it to the syntax of a different version.

What are the most effective methods for securing data, such as a password?

Security has recently become a major worry for everybody who uses the internet in any capacity. As a Ruby on Rails developer, the candidate must be familiar with all of the current methods for protecting data transmitted over the internet, as well as which security measures are appropriate in which situations.

Questions about security can be general (why should I use HTTPS instead of HTTP) or ROR-specific (describe an XSS/Cross-Site scripting attack).

What are your go-to tools for developing unit and feature tests?

Traditionally, developers write the code, with a quality assurance (QA) team in charge of testing it. Developers are increasingly running automated tests on their code while adhering to testing principles and best practices.

If the ROR developer you hire is conversant with the numerous tests and tools available, your web development team will no longer require a redundant QA crew.

What is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) method to application development?

Models, views, and controllers are the three subdirectories of the app/ directory in Rails. They constitute the MVC method, which separates the data, user interface, and control logic of an application.

Because the MVC technique and related complexities are a USP or sort of ROR, your developer should be conversant with them.

What are the best coding refactoring practices?

It is a skill to write code, but it is an art to write elegant and efficient code. Developers must constantly update their code to make it more readable, faster, and flexible in response to client needs.

In Ruby, bugs are referred to as "code smells." For developers, there are various bug detectors available, such as Reek. You can assess your candidate's understanding of refactoring tools and techniques.

Give them a problem statement-based homework assignment.

Within 20 minutes, you can only test a certain amount of things in an interview room. Giving the candidate a take-home assignment in the form of a problem statement, likely something your firm is facing, as a final shortlisting stage is a smart idea.

Because this is how the scenario will be if or when you hire them, you can make it open-book and give them a deadline to submit.

May the best programmer win!

Hiring a Ruby on Rails developer can be difficult, especially when there are so many candidates with varying levels of experience and professionalism.

The ten questions listed here are by no means complete, and you do not need to ask each candidate all of them. Finally, as an interviewer, you must use your judgment to select the best candidate with the best combination of ethics, personality, and, of course, talent.

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