The Two Rules of Master Success

1. Improve Yourself. Every day think of small ways to become stronger, m o re self-disciplined and more self-reliant. Become aware. What are you doing at home, at work or at the gym? What are you doing to train your body and mind? How are your savings and investments doing? What are you doing to make your life more comfortable and peaceful? How are you filling your life with beauty? What are you doing to thank God for all your blessings? Don’t let your life pass in a succession of boring days. Small actions done consistently yield tremendous results.

2. Help Others. Listen. Smile. Open doors. Wait your turn. Be patient. Exhibit impeccable manners. Volunteer. Contribute. Be interested and you will be interesting. Be caring and you will have many friends and many customers. You will have a good marriage and good children. You will be respected. You will have found the secret to peace and prosperity.

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