If you get the family in the car for a vacation, you would most assuredly plot a map to your destination. Wouldn't you? Then, if you want your business to develop and grow, why wouldn't you do the same for your company
Purpose of the Business
The owner has a vision of the type of business that he wants to build. He has reasons that justify the existence of the company, such as selling a unique product or providing a special service. The next step is to communicate these visions to the employees. Give them something that they can understand, and explain their role in making it happen.
Objectives are a way to fill in the details of how the visions of the owner will be fulfilled.
Setting Objectives
Setting objectives requires making tough choices and addressing realities. Where is your business now? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Where do you want your business to go?
Once you have decided what you want the business to look like, you can draw a roadmap and start setting objectives. Objectives are the mileposts to guide you and your employees on the way to building the business.
Objectives are important because they convert visions into clear-cut measurable targets. Employees are very clear as to what they are expected to achieve and when.
Importance of Objectives
Create direction and guidance: Every business needs guidelines. Objectives direct the company's activities toward achieving the goals and visions of the owners.
Motivate employees: Employees become more enthusiastic and spirited in their work when they know what is expected of them. Their work is more directed with less wasted time. They get particularly interested when they learn about the rewards for meeting and exceeding their objectives. If employees don't have the skills for their jobs, they are inspired to learn more and find ways to improve their performance.
Establish standards to evaluate performance: Objectives establish standards of performance. They are measuring sticks to identify the successes and failures of an organization and its employees. Performance reporting helps managers identify non-performing areas and to take corrective actions.
Form the basis to set budgets: Once the path for the company's development has been defined, objectives help allocate the funds needed to achieve the goals. Budgets set specific dollar amounts for departments that employees can use for guidance. Financial reports give the owner the information to make sure that everything stays on the road.
Develop structure of project plans: Objectives form the structure for project development and measurement of performance along the way. Applying objectives to a project defines the timeline of activities needed to complete the plan.
A business that does not have defined objectives is wandering, lost in the woods. The likelihood of success is remote, since people in the business are not certain as to where they should be going.
A business owner has a vision of his company, and the objectives are the reasons to communicate his ideas to employees.
- Rate performance on results so that project managers and workers don't feel micromanaged. Leadership roles, clearly defined, give managers the flexibility to guide the project as they see fit, as long as they understand the final objectives. While the plan and road maps are well-defined, within the parameters of the project, managers and employees feel more empowered when they know what is expected of them and how their performance will be measured.
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