The life philosophy of the founder of Honda

Honda Soy Jei Roo (1906-1991), the founder of Honda, was born in Sichuan, Oakawa, Japan, in 1906 in the Chengdu family. Honda is a successful Japanese individual as a technician and president of the company. He has a liberal life philosophy. He values ​​creativity unique and learns to live on his own.
Three Fun Tricks:

(1) Fun to Shop Preferences

(2) Fun Sale: Honda Dealers are happy to sell High quality products and low prices.

They have gained profits, they are happy to sell,

(3) good customer purchases Buy good product, good price, buy and use is not wrong.

Ideas are worth more than capital:

The growing age of ideas is more valuable than capital. Ideas make the business grow even better.

Capitalism can not be sustainable without ideas.

In the new era, the idea is a capital substitute.

Unique: iconic Picasso and Martin There are some eyebrows on the one side, and some are truncated with women, which we normally do not understand.

 The paintings are unique in their own way, with the exception of ordinary people. The general drawings that the student learns to draw at the school are only imitators of the existing objects, of the past. What's new is nothing new.

Technology or engineering is the same, if nothing else, its value is low.

If we think only of past experience, we can not create new or creative things.

Poor kid:Older people often want young lovers, not laughing, listening to themselves.

If this is not the case, it is called "Poor, Poor," and society is not recognized. This demonstrates that human society is very conservative.

If this continues, the nation will no longer grow because the people around them are afraid to do this wrong.

And the youth will lose power. Young people should work hard to make a lot of experience to expand their ideas, find new things, do things differently Rather than follow the old thoughts or fear of the aging minds.

Work for yourself: Do not work for companies, just work for yourself.

It's already been set up to work at the company, what you want, what you want to achieve. Working hard for self-esteem, the company also has good results.

Human relations Important: In the beginning they were taught that the best children remember this child, and the children who do not remember the child can not be born. That is the story. Today, computer technology can help us remember all of us. Want to know what a button clicks the computer tells us all. So they should focus on relationships with people.

Any work that the computer did make it work. Knowing them even better, things we do not know, we call them, ask us, tell us immediately. So we get quick info.

The management of the plant:

(1) respects the theory of fairness according to the right theory,
(2) respects the time,
(3) respects the production of

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