If the vendor answers these three correctly, guests will line up your store

     Business is a race that requires entrepreneurial candidates to have their own knowledge to deal with the problem with the client's problems. There are some businesses that sell almost no breathing, but some businesses do not even know what is the secret behind a problem.

There are three questions to ask your business: If you can do this, your business is no longer silent.

1. Why customers come to buy your product?
You know, if you want to sell yourself, you have to know the client's illness first, what he needs and why it brings the customer to your business. The key to getting your product to your product is to have a sense of humor, the need, the brand's reputation, and these reasons will sweep customers more and more to your business.

2. What is the Best Specialty Business?
If you want to sell yourself, know about the specifics of your own business, first of all, if it's a specialty if your business is a soup shop, how delicious it is, and if your business is a service type, what is your service? Customize the customer level. Customers go to your store with a touch of appeal and a question that asks what is attractive for a business is something that other businesses can not do.

3. Why are you selling this product?
Take a look at your own reasons once you sell a product. For the sake of profit ... do not sell products for profit not properly. The value of the product can not attract customers, but what attracts the customer is the value of the product. You'd better extract those profits from selling the value of a product. When your product is highly valued, it is clear that it will become the first choice for the customer, then the price is no longer a problem.

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