Big Three Principles in Jack Ma's resignation are lessons the businessman should learn

After announcing a retirement plan in 2019, Jack Ma has three concepts in a resignation written by four paragraphs, a lesson that transforms your life, and is a lesson that business people need to learn.

1- You can not do everything on your own
Jack Ma says that at the start of Alibaba, he does not know the market, he has no idea of technology, but he can bring one of the skills of a teacher, the ability to look at human talent and train people.
Jack Ma said that he spent a considerable amount of time working out his staff records at all levels, and for nearly two decades his company has been working to develop the talent of its staff, so he believes that. The company already has its fifth-generation leader.

2- No one shall be put to death
Everyone has to die, so Jack Ma says he has the health or time to take on the role of CEO and CEO to death. He said he wanted to die on the beach, not to die in the office.
Jack Ma's resignation is a prestigious retirement, as the billionaire tycoon has always said that he will let the younger generation show his overall talents. Jack Ma will often leave the opportunity for others to avoid depression.

36 people, considered as a business partner of Jack Ma, are the leaders of the Alibaba Group, which promises to oversee the management of Alibaba for at least five years. This is called a nail-bite eye for others to replace Jack Ma.
In fact, Ma also announced that CEO Alibaba, Daniel Zhang, is now in the company of Chief Executive Officer.

3- Create for the future
Jack Ma told Alibaba's shareholders, clients and staff, "Through work as a teacher, I'm proud of what I accomplished. Teachers always want the students to be better, so my role and the company are to train the next generation and talented people to become a new generation of leaders to continue Alibaba's mission, helping small businesses, young people and women around the world. Mr. To make this dream come true, it requires a lot of people to join Jack Ma and Alibaba's future depends on the next generation. "

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