The Power of Passive Income

   Have you ever used one of those spring-loaded water faucets that some public restrooms install to save water? When you turn the water on, you have to hold the faucet there, because when you let go, it bounces back to the off position. Most people’s income source works just like that faucet: You get a little money flowing, and then when you let go, it bounces back to off. You can never build freedom that way. What you want is a money faucet that you can let go of once you’ve turned it on, because it stays on by itself.
 It’s not just about having income today, tomorrow, and next week; it’s about securing your income in perpetuity. This is passive income, also known as residual income: income that continues coming in, over and over, long after you finished expending the effort and capital it took to create the source of the income.
   Shifting yourself into the B quadrant is a strong step in that direction, but not all businesses will create passive income. If you own a restaurant, you earn income only when you prepare and sell a meal. If your business fixes air conditioners, you earn income only when you provide that service.
   Even high-salaried doctors and lawyers earn money only when they see patients or clients. If no patients or clients require their knowledge and services in a particular week, the income faucet springs shut again and there’s no money coming in that week.
   What most people need is an avenue to create passive income. Knowing this, Donald Trump and I teamed up to evaluate the many kinds of business structures that can create passive income, and published our results in a book, We Want You to Be Rich.
   And by the way, that’s not just a book title. We do want you to be rich. Wealth is not a zero-sum game; it’s not like if you become rich, then you’re taking it away from me, or Donald, or anyone else. This is an astonishing and abundant world we live in, and there is way more than enough energy, material, ingenuity, creativity, and ambition to allow every human being on the planet to be wealthy.
   So what did we discover? We found that one business model stood out from the rest. This particular business model creates passive income, but requires relatively little cash investment to start up. It has very low overhead, and can be operated on a flexible part-time basis until it generates enough cash flow for the entrepreneur to transition out of his current full-time job.
   That business model is called network marketing, and it’s what the rest of this book is all about.

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