Middle class thinks about money in linear terms… World class thinks about money in non-linear terms

The masses trade time for money. This creates the belief that making money is a linear process directly connected to time. The average person believes the only way to earn more money is to work more hours, with the exception of raises and bonuses. The wealthy know big money requires thinking about it in non-linear terms. The great ones are masters at generating money through ideas that solve problems. They realize since there is no limit to ideas, there is no limit to how much money they can earn. So while the middle class is scrambling to survive and frightened for their financial future, the world class is capitalizing on their elevated level of awareness. The masses waste a substantial percentage of their mental energy worrying about money, while the champions are fearlessly directing their focus to becoming wealthier every day. Fortunes can be created almost overnight with the right idea at the right time, but only if the performer understands this non-linear phenomena. Since most people think of making money in a linear fashion, they never invest the necessary effort to create high impact solutions. The truth is, people who educate themselves in this philosophy have the potential to become as wealthy as they wish. And while this has been proven again and again, the average person’s refusal to believe this holds them back from ever getting started. This is another reason on the long list of why the rich get richer, and the poor, poorer. “The entire essence of America is the hope to first make money—then to make money with money— then make lots of money with lots of money.”

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