Friendship improves your life and your health

Friendship is a part that has a profound effect on the health and well-being of all people. But to keep it up and create it is not easy. Understanding the importance of friendship in our lives will make it easier for us to create new friendships and develop friendly relationships This.
How important is friendship?

     Having a good friend makes us healthy. Friends are the kind of person who helps you to say good-bye, to celebrate when you are happy, to share your sadness and to support you when there is Tribulation. Not only friends who help you get rid of loneliness and provide the closeness you need. Besides, friends can help you:

- Reduce stress
- Make you feel valued
- Can help solve your problems when you are in a state of emergency
- Encourage you to change the habit of living
- Increase pleasure, etc.

      Why is it sometimes hard to find a new friend and maintain a friendship?
There are many who struggle to build new friendships or to maintain their friendships. This happens when you are busy in your daily life and forget about your relationship. Sometimes you have to move to a new place that makes it harder to stay in touch with your old friend. And sometimes your friendship has been strained due to minor disputes or conflicts of interest. Finding new friendships is also not easy. Although there are so many people in the world, a friend who knows the liver is hard to find. Therefore, you have to be patient and try to enhance your friendship and keep it.
Friendship can provide you with fun, eliminating loneliness, which is a key factor in keeping your mind healthy. Although creating a new friendship and keeping it a little hard, it is worth the effort to do these things.

How many friends are you?
The number of or less friends is not important, but the important thing is the quality of friendship. For some, they like to have a lot of friends, while others prefer friends rather than close friends. Friendships also have different types. Among them are the closest friends you can share your feelings and troubles, and the normal friends that you often release. Sport has or has ever been on a picnic.

How can I keep my friendship?
      Developing and maintaining such a relationship requires a sense of sympathy and dedication. You need to make your friend understand that you care about them. Must respect each other and not compete with each other to win, as bragging from wealth. Listen to your friend's friends and avoid talking alone, without giving your friends the opportunity to talk. You have to try to give advice when your friend needs it without being evaded. Besides, you have to respect your friends' privacy, not to break the personal story they tell you to others.
Remember, it will not be too late to build friendships or to reunite with your old friends. Spending time looking for friends and improving your relationship will improve your life and your health.

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